Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Steamed Cupcake Recipe

No school today! yep! no school!!! Last night was scary though, we had so many tree limbs falling hitting cars, houses, etc. We didn't have power last night! Cold night! Anyway, because of my paranoid personality, I couldn't sleep last night so I did not feel too well but! I managed to make these easy steamed cupcakes! it is the healthier alternative of cupcakes.

Yummy! Growing up, I remember my mom always bought these from the small bakery in our neighborhood or she would buy it from those mobile bakery (yep, they were in bikes, cars, push cart, anything mobile you name it). I think making steamed cake is much easier than the traditional cake. Less ingredients too! so, here is what you need...

What you need:
2 Large Eggs
225 gr. Granulated Sugar
250 gr. All Purpose Flour
200 ml soda water (I used sprite, it gives the cupcake the sprite flavor)
Cocoa Powder or Food Coloring (I used food coloring this time)

How to make:
1. Using a mixer (high), mix ingredients together about 10 minutes. The batter should be white when it is done. 
2. Heat up your steamer. I recommend using the traditional steamer on your stove. The electric steamer is not as hot as regular old steamer. 
3. Steam for at least 15 minutes. Do not try to check on your cake until the 15 minutes is up. If you do, you will not get the nice flower kind of shape on top =D. 

good luck! I hope you love my recipe!!!

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